Frequently Asked Questions
You do not typically need a referral to bring your little one in for a consultation with Dr Gcaba.
Please call the practice or email reception to make an appointment. Alternatively, fill out our online contact form, and we will get back to you to confirm a date and time.
Yes, but at an additional cost, depending on the distance from the practice (e.g., R7 per km). An additional cost will also be charged if the house call is after hours e.g., after 5pm.
There are no co-payments charged. We bill according to your medical aid.
We take all the medical aids but kindly check with your medical aid prior to coming for an appointment for an authorisation number to see a paediatrician. Some medical aids require a patient to be referred by a GP prior to seeing a paediatrician.
- The patient must go to the following hospitals’ emergency departments: Life Mount Edgecombe Hospital, Durdoc Hospital and City Hospital and advise the nurses and doctor on duty to contact Dr Gcaba their paediatrician
- The child will be attended to by the Casualty doctor who will then call me to administer the highest medical care and treatment as one the best paediatrician in the Durban area
Phoenix, Umhlanga, Durban North, Verulam, KwaMashu, Ntuzuma, Inanda, uMzinyathi, Durban Central, Umlazi, La Lucia, Montclair, Bluff, Pinetown, Amanzimtoti, New Germany, Musgrave, Westville, Isipingo, Morningside, Glenwood, Umbilo
- Child’s immunisation booklet
- Birth certificate
- Mother’s or father’s ID
- Medical aid card
You do not typically need a referral to bring your little one in for a consultation with Dr Gcaba.
Please call the practice or email reception to make an appointment. Alternatively, fill out our online contact form, and we will get back to you to confirm a date and time.
Yes, but at an additional cost, depending on the distance from the practice (e.g., R7 per km). An additional cost will also be charged if the house call is after hours e.g., after 5pm.
There are no co-payments charged. We bill according to your medical aid.
We take all the medical aids but kindly check with your medical aid prior to coming for an appointment for an authorisation number to see a paediatrician. Some medical aids require a patient to be referred by a GP prior to seeing a paediatrician.
- The patient must go to the following hospitals’ emergency departments: Life Mount Edgecombe Hospital, Durdoc Hospital and City Hospital and advise the nurses and doctor on duty to contact Dr Gcaba their paediatrician
- The child will be attended to by the Casualty doctor who will then call me to administer the highest medical care and treatment as one the best paediatrician in the Durban area
Phoenix, Umhlanga, Durban North, Verulam, KwaMashu, Ntuzuma, Inanda, uMzinyathi, Durban Central, Umlazi, La Lucia, Montclair, Bluff, Pinetown, Amanzimtoti, New Germany, Musgrave, Westville, Isipingo, Morningside, Glenwood, Umbilo
- Child’s immunisation booklet
- Birth certificate
- Mother’s or father’s ID
- Medical aid card