
Neonatal Care

Neonatal Care

Neonatal care is given to a newborn baby from the time of birth through to the first month of life. Before birth, babies dependon their mother’s body for breathing, eating, eliminating waste and immune protection. After birth, this changes and babies have to rely on their own bodies. In some cases, there may be difficulties making the transition outside the womb. Preterm birth, a difficult birth, or birth defects can lead to complications that require specialised neonatal care.

The neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is indicated for newborn babies that require highly specialised care. This is a special area of the hospital where advanced technology and trained healthcare professionals are available to take care of your little one. The neonatal intensive care unit is typically indicated for babies who:

Neonatal Care

Neonatal care is given to a newborn baby from the time of birth through to the first month of life. Before birth, babies dependon their mother’s body for breathing, eating, eliminating waste and immune protection. After birth, this changes and babies have to rely on their own bodies. In some cases, there may be difficulties making the transition outside the womb. Preterm birth, a difficult birth, or birth defects can lead to complications that require specialised neonatal care.

The neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is indicated for newborn babies that require highly specialised care. This is a special area of the hospital where advanced technology and trained healthcare professionals are available to take care of your little one. The neonatal intensive care unit is typically indicated for babies who:

What does the NICU consist of?

The NICU may make you feel overwhelmed, but the equipment in this department is specially designed to provide your baby with the best possible care.

Depending on what medical support babies need in the NICU, you may come across equipment such as:

All of these technologies and machinery help keep babies in the NICU comfortable, with as little extra handling as possible.

All of these technologies and machinery help keep babies in the NICU comfortable, with as little extra handling as possible.


There are several risk factors that may lead to complications during birth or during the first few weeks after birth. These include:
  • Drug and alcohol use during pregnancy
  • Conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure in the mother
  • Sexually transmitted diseases in the mother
  • Too little or too much amniotic fluid in the womb
  • Premature rupture of the amniotic sac

Premature birth may be caused by several factors, such as the body's response to certain infections involving the amniotic fluid or foetal membranes.

Early induction due to health problems in the mother or foetus can also occur.

It is strongly advised to feed with breast milk; however, depending on the degree of prematurity, the infant may not be strong enough to breastfeed immediately and may require feeding through a feeding tube.